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Hello friends! For the rest of the month I'm just working on requests and today I made this fun model from the Request Board: The Desert Dragon!

The request was basically a dragon that kinda has a cactus vibe haha. For FDM printing this would be a little tough but I did angle the pieces for optimal printing. For the tail I recommend putting a support blocker over it so no supports generate in between all the spikes. They're all pointed up ward anyway.

Resin users get the usual presupported file as always. Full files are located in Misc Patron Requests - D - Dragons other. The files for some in this project were very big and can't fit on this post, so you can also get it here on Printables.

That's all for now! More requests coming tomorrow! Stay tuned!




He is amazing!


This is just so cool! I’m getting a new printer soon and I can’t wait to print him once it gets here to really see what it can do and paint him up like a cactus dragon!