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Hello everyone and happy Minotaur Appreciation Day!

Ok that's not a thing but the requests I got today were all minotaur focused so screw it, lets make 23 April officially Minotaur Day lol

But anyway today I made:

Minotaur Fighter with Goblin Ranger on his back - this was a fun request! I started with my base minotaur model then gave him some half plate armor and then put his little Ranger buddy on his back. It was a really silly concept but I very much enjoyed working on it. Its located in Adventurers - Fighters - Other Fighters.

Minotaur Fighter - naturally I'd make a regular fighter from this cuz why not? Located in the same folder.

Minotaur Barbarian 4 - this request is wild. Its a minotaur barbarian who uses his broken off horn at the tip of his spear. Located in Adventurers - Barbarians - Other Barbarians.

Minotaur Barbarian 3 - before making the requests above I made some changes to my original minotaur to make him a PC. Located in the same folder above.

That's all for now. More to come tomorrow! Enjoy!




They all look cool, but no unicorn maul :( Got my hopes up seeing Minotaur day.