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Hey! How are you guys doing today?

Me you ask?

Terrible! The flu really hit me this time... I think I never had this worse... oh damn, oh life... but i'm getting better now, I can almost use my nose now.

Development news:
I'm still writing content for the next patch so not many news or previews in that department.
However, I managed to update the version of the ren'py engine I use, now to the latest stable one.
For those who don't know, as I said in the last devlog I need to do this to prevent my game from being falsely accused of being a virus by some antiviruses... also is good to be running on a newer and more stable version of a game engine :D

As far as I can tell it's working fine but to avoid any unnecessary surprises I opened a new channel on discord called bug-testing, where I posted a build of the patch 0.1.2 made in this new version of ren'py.

I'm not asking everyone to go there and test it out... but if you're planning on replaying the game  from the beginning or maybe you just want to revisit some scenes you've saved, it might be a good idea to use this new version.

Old saves should work, but please don't overwrite them yet? Just to be sure, this is b-bug territory!

That's what I had to say today, see you soon <3



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