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Hey guys!

How are you today? Tell me, how is mah boy doing? huh?!
I'm good, thanks for asking!

I've been receiving a lot of feedback about the game now that a lot of people have completed all the content, thanks for that! Now I'll address a few of the points:

His map?! Wack!

Almost everyone complains about how the map works... and I agree, seemed like a good idea when I started making the game, I wanted something more practical and straightforward.

I'm working on something to make the map more "normal' while still staying practical.
I know, it looks bad now, this is just a sketch!

His crops?! Wack!

People also complained to me about the crops/systems and their prices/grinding...
I will adjust prices and values by the next patch, I don't want to make the game grindy lol!  Sorry for that!

His game is a virus?! Wack!

Some people reported to me that they received a virus warning when they downloaded the game and I was like, whaaat?
After some investigation I found that the old version of renpy I use is know to be falsely flagged as a virus sometimes. The only thing I can do to solve this issue is rebuilding the game on a new version of renpy, which I believe won't be too hard. (like an extra hour of work at max)
However... this could screw up the current saves, maybe, I need to check this before taking any action... or maybe I could do something bigger... we'll see.

No gallery?! Wack!
I will have one done or at least start working on one by the next patch.

After I fix it all I think the game will be tight as fuck!

Thanks for playing and for the support, see you guys soon!



Good stuff man. Keep at it!


I'm not even a tenth of the way through the game, but I can say I love it. It is addicting just "grinding" meaning I like the farming system, yes the map system is different and I would like a click and go instead of slide and go, but is more a getting use to it. That's not to say don't change it. It is an amazing game and I'm glad you made it. I only regret taking so long in finding it. Thank you for all of your work on it!