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Greetings Order of Shieldice! 🛡🧊 How is everyone doing? I hope you're all well! Thank you all for your continued support. I've been working on some fun little tools recently so there's a lot coming up that I can't wait to share. Keep an eye out!

Today's post is 'Beasts of Burden', a simple collection of tables to create fantasy mounts for your party. This is definitely one of those projects I'd like to expand in the future if you all enjoy it. At the moment it is a collection of D6, D12 and D20 tables, but I'd like to add in some generators/systems to create much more unique and otherworldly creatures. 🐴 

Let me know what you think! Thank you mighty Patrons! 


- Coming Soon! - Tools for Scenario Generation (perfect for GMs and Solo Players!) 🎲 



Malcolm Iggleden

Very glad I stuck around, it had got a bit quiet, but this is unusual, different and will tinker with... very much looking forward to Tools for Scenario Generation (perfect for GMs and Solo Players!)


Thanks so much for your support Malcolm! Life got a little crazy for a while, but we're back on track now haha Lots of cool tools and projects coming up 😊