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So along with changing their logo to a kidney bean, Patreon has gone and bungled up one the tools in the text editor. When posting text you can usually take a text files that have italic or bold type in them and just drop it into the posting no problem. Or you can select a section of text and make it either italic or bold. Italic is particularly nice to denote internal thoughts and ideas of a character.

Now you can still select body text and chose to make it italic, and it will show as such in the preview window. But when you post it's regular body text. This is even more annoying because bold text still works?

Edit. Oh great. It won’t display italics on my desktop machine, but they are visible on my iOS devices. Bravo Patreon!



Worthless marketing people who have no understanding whatsoever of what they're trying to market or who they're marketing TO trying desperately to justify their existence. "We have to change ummmm because if we don't constantly make needless changes you'll figure out there's no reason to pay us!" Jeebus, how many tens of thousands of dollars were spent deciding on a blue jelly bean that is so generic it's useless as trade dress? And how many hundreds of thousands were spent on the front end to make it less useful to creators OR patrons? Pages taking longer to load. Login page breaking randomly where it used to work before. Stripping useful features that creators were actually using. Piling on ad trackers that have to be blocked. Changing the patron login view to load old material but labeling it new. Patreon, are you trying to race Unity and Twitter to the bottom?


Gah. It was obnoxious enough before. Sorry that you are having to struggle with this. I have always thought highly of how you use formatting in your posts with story content.


Well if you wonder why when I try to display characters having internal and I don't use italics you'll know why. I mean for crying out loud Fur Affinity lets you have italics in body text!

Violet Wilk (BlueCherryWolf)

What I think is even more stupid is I would tend to read your post through the e-mails. And straight up it didn't even show the bolding in that. It does seem to be doing it correctly on the website now though.