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The files I made recently are diaries of August , but I use new passwords.
2023 September  passwords  

3$tier password : e04su3a8 2k7
5$tier password : su3ao6x03q8 
8$ tier password: xup61i6t/6
15$ and 20$ password : w0 j aup6rup42;3

Please don't share the passwords and files in any website or media.
Published: 2023-09
Here's the 2023 October Passwords.
2023 October      3$tier password : dragoncat
                  5$tier password : dragonsballs
8$ tier password: Iwanttokisshertrap
15$ and 20$ password : shehastenpacks

Please don't share the passwords and files in any website or media.Please don’t dampen the creator’s enthusiasm for work.
Published: 2023-10
2023 November passwords  
                  3$tier password : batsuraown             
                  5$tier password : AOISORA
                  8$ tier password: RYUKI
                 15$ and 20$ password : losersclump

Please don't share the passwords and files in any website or media.
Published: 2023-11
Here is 2023 December passwords:

2023 December    3$tier password : perfectis6packs       
                                  5$tier password : wonderfulis8packs
                                  8$ tier password: goddessis10packs
                                  15$ and 20$ password : iwannalick12packs
Please don't share the passwords and files in any website or media.
Published: 2023-12
HI. It's June. Here're the passwords of June. These are for the contents that I posted in Patreon page. The special rewards comics I'll send you through message directly. (Of course when I finish the comics.)
Please don't share these passwords in any site.

2023 June      3$tier password : FINDTOYS              
               5$tier password : TURNOFFITSONOISY          
               8$ tier password: ITSBEAUTIFULLIFEAHAHAHAHAH
15$ and 20$ password : SAYGOODBYEIIIII
Published: 2023-06
Here's the link of 2023 June 20$ USD tier special reward
Multiverse of muscle vol1
Link : https://mega.nz/file/aCBQVRAa
Password : tmZllrkg1WNQjUULKJ8I-dFgpEABQ0vLIz8tzAaBY4A
Please download before 2023July, 
Please don't share the files ,the link, and the password in any site.

And here's the link and password of 2023 June 15-20$ USD tier special rewards

Totally Muscular vol2 comic
Link : mega.nz/file/iLwGyATL
Password : St4vO-z4KmMXk1k1j_BG7FC22e67y1DCW20gAqrChyI

The Melancholy of Midoriya vol2 comic
Link : mega.nz/file/aKpgnLLY
Password : 6YeoaMdfSVtcyYUkElT_O3iW-_VF2p-Mc5hoINt1yWQ

Please download before 2023July, 
Please don't share the files ,the link, and the password in any site.

Here're the passwords of June. These are for the contents that I posted in Patreon page.
Please don't share these passwords in any site.

2023 June      3$tier password : FINDTOYS              
               5$tier password : TURNOFFITSONOISY          
               8$ tier password: ITSBEAUTIFULLIFEAHAHAHAHAH
15$ and 20$ password : SAYGOODBYEIIIII
Published: 2023-06
Hi here're the 2023 July passwords

2023 July       3$tier password : speedmetaluniverse    
               5$tier password : itssoleleleleleton  
               8$ tier password: ureicomputer
15$ and 20$ password : wannabeadreammaker

Please don't share it and don't post it in any site
Published: 2023-07
2023 August passwords
               3$tier password : fuckkeshitmono
               5$tier password : liarsgotohell              
               8$ tier password: thiefkethiefmothiefno
              15$ and 20$ password : noteveryonehascharacter

Please don't share it and don't post it in any site
Published: 2023-08
Here’re the new August passwords:
2023 August     3$tier password : disgustingliar               
                         5$tier password :su3fm4t 2841u04               
                         8$ tier password: killedbyabs 
                         15$ and 20$ password : youhavenointegrity
Please don't share it and don't post it in any site
Published: 2023-08
HI. Here're passwords of 2023 April rewards
2023 April      3$tier password : XXX987
               5$tier password : Esoteric666               
               8$ tier password: BAMBIBICEPSRULES

Please don't post these and don't share these in any site.
Published: 2023-04
2023 January    5$ tier password : nectar
              8$ tier password : blackwaterpark
              15$ and 20$ password : Inmistshewasstanding
2023 February     5$tier password : Weekend
                 8$ tier password: Rustynail
                 15$ and 20$ password : Dahlia

2023 March     3$tier password : CYNIC
               5$tier password : REGRET                 
               8$ tier password: EASTWINDOW
15$ and 20$ password : TWILIGHTOFTHEGODS

2023 April      3$tier password : XXX987
               5$tier password : Esoteric666               
               8$ tier password: BAMBIBICEPSRULES
15$ and 20$ password : OFFICIUMESOTERIC

Please don't share it and don't post it in any site

Published: 2023-05
Hi. Here're the 2023 May passwords. Although there're still many April diaries, please use May passwords to open the files. 
2023 May       3$tier password : cumming from the sky
                       5$tier password : Bambigotkillingbiceps               
                       8$ tier password: Hotarusbuttsqueezemydick
                      15$ and 20$ password : Tingismydreamwife
Please don't share these and don't post these in any site.
Published: 2023-05
Hi Friend, I changed passwords. I found out that some people took advantage of a loophole in the system and received passwords without paying.
2023 May       3$tier password : SUEDETRASH               
               5$tier password :THEWORLDISNOTENOUGH               
               8$ tier password: SEEKANDDESTORY
15$ and 20$ password : WHYTHELIFEISSOHARD
Please don't share these and don't post these in any site
Published: 2023-05
2022 November  5$ tier password :lerler
8$ tier password : Iwantthiskindoflegs
15$ and 20$ password : Iwantmymovie
Please don't share it and don't post it in any site.
Published: 2022-11
2023 January    5$ tier password : nectar
8$ tier password : blackwaterpark

Please don't share it and don't post it in any site
Published: 2023-01
2022 December  5$ tier password : Iwantout
 8$ tier password : Iamalive
Published: 2023-01
2023 February     5$tier password : Weekend
                            8$ tier password: Rustynail
Please don't share these and don't post these in any site
Published: 2023-02
Hi. It's 2023 March , here're the passwords:

2023 March    3$tier password : CYNIC
                       5$tier password : REGRET                 
                       8$ tier password: EASTWINDOW
From this month, 3$tier rewards(sketches) also need password. 
I'm sorry for making it difficult to download the archives, but I think people who don't pay shouldn't be given the same rights as you.

Please don't share it and don't post it in any site.
Published: 2023-03
2022/10/3 Bambi color pics rar file
Pass : Bambipump
Published: 2022-10
2022/10/3 Line arts
Password : Bambipump
Published: 2022-10
2022-10-6 Ting's growing diaries
Password : Bambibomb

I'll set the same password to all the October growing diaries .
So you can use " Bambibomb" open all the "October" growing diaries rar files.
This way I don't need to send too many times.I'll let you know if things change
Published: 2022-10
The Password of 5$-8$ tier 2022 October is :  Bambipump
You can use it to open all the rewards of 5$-8$ tier 2022 October
Published: 2022-10
Pass : Tingmakesmesohard
Please don't share it and post it in any site
Published: 2022-09
Pass: dirty3P
Please don't share it and don't post it in any site
Published: 2022-09
9/21 password:  921Earthquake
Published: 2022-09
password:  921Earthquake
Published: 2022-09