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New month means new links.  New year also means that all of 2023 has been added into the old art archive (third link below)

Zipfile: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vnylmgde2tn0f1etjt5ap/LayerIndustries_202312.zip?rlkey=m93c2n34jly738hx89z3d91oc&dl=0

Sketches: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/lbwa9w7sre2h985qem7rh/h?rlkey=hzlnqebmuruxexbtzlic9mijd&dl=0

Old Art Archive: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zz59fy8xqzyxyh7/AAAGUMK9uXwIqKELJKC_NCtxa?dl=0

Thank you all for sticking around through the ups and downs, I appreciate it.  I will continue to keep doing my best to grow and improve and create.



Nero Vespa

Thank you so muuuuuch featuring Vespa on this wonderful Artwork you created. *heart*