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New month new thread, let me hear what you have in mind.  Ill do what I can with them.




Evil Brady (Brady in the black and red BSFS outfit you drew last month) gassing Jean and feeling her up. Maybe there’s additional context of this being a fantasy/dream of Jean’s or some sort play, but I don’t think that’s necessary If you feel like it, i’d like to see the Janine grows a dick as a side effect of the big boobs comic to get a continuation. Alternatively, Brady working off the side effect of when she got big boobs by getting a blowjob from Jean. Brady’s face in orgasm as she cums in jean’s mouth. She may have a horny gas inhaler also Also for future reference, Brady is 6ft and Jean is 5’6”


Cardelia wearing this BSFS outfit https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/lbwa9w7sre2h985qem7rh/h?dl=0&preview=20231230_BSblackandred.png&rlkey=hzlnqebmuruxexbtzlic9mijd (Cardelia's Refrence https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/bea8o2v2cjy0pecaozns9/h?rlkey=k70my45xnhm8by9csbmc1zhui&dl=0)


Happy New Year Rab. Hope you are doing well. =v= - Would love to see more bondage nuns if possible. - Alexandria spending time with Kat and complimenting Kat's latex and suit making skills as they both hang out in full latex suits. - Elizabeth putting tape wrapped or gooed Janine into a containment sack or device for a time out after she found out she put Alexandria in the breathplay test. - Elizabeth or other BSFS employees wrapped up by tape drones. Normally used for shipping, but not today. - Kat reading a book, maybe with Lillith, just for some casual fluff stuff. =v= -Dragon themed suit, bondage, or otherwise. You are welcome to use use Alex, Elizabeth, Lillith, or Bella (My closest thing to a dragon girl) for any idea if you want to. =v= Alexandria: https://www.dropbox.com/s/po8o4rypw878uf1/Alexandria%20Character%20Sheet%20%282020%29%20%28Nude%29%20%5Bpost%5D.jpg?dl=0 Elizabeth: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1vdh9tpg3h9t23/Elizabeth%20Character%20Sheet%20%282020%29%20%28Nude%29%20%5Bpost%5D.jpg?dl=0 Lilith: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pr6zikfsp264fpdjighj6/13-230112-Lilith-Gift-to-Kat-post.jpg?rlkey=8uultmgtac0mcv4hrwnk0itsn&dl=0 Bella: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cvi2acr3ovg3cds8jn5p5/h?rlkey=unuqyyma59a43gkjgi4bh29t8&dl=0


A little late to the party on the sugg thread: But my idea is an automated Chastity Belt remover, edger and replacer. The idea is that the wearer of the belt can climb into the machine whenever they want to get a break from the belt, but they're restrained and kept on edge until they press the button to release, whereupon the belt goes back on for at least another 12 hours. As for a suitable victim, maybe Camela this time: https://www.deviantart.com/plasma-dragon/art/Camela-pose-883518119 https://www.deviantart.com/plasma-dragon/art/Prove-it-to-me-945157720 https://www.deviantart.com/plasma-dragon/art/Maid-Character-Designin-820608703 You're more than welcome to use her in other pics if you need another person too.