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I guess I underestimated how many wrestlers were left that fit the bill, so maybe today will be the day!

What you know:

-I'm looking for the name of a wrestler
-They're best known for their work in the 90's
-They were rarely seen without their face paint
-The wrestler is female

What's been guessed: Aja Kong, Sherri Martel, Beastie, Bull Nakano, The Great Kabuki, Sting, The Ultimate Warrior, The Legion of Doom, Glacier, The Rock, The Undertaker, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, Mantaur, Goldust, Cesaro, and Darby Allin

Today's hint: The wrestler is American

As usual, one guess per day. Leave your guesses down in the comments and good luck!



Luna Vachon


Luna Vachon

NSFW Games

We have a winner! I'll send you a message shortly to work out the details of your prize! Congratulations!