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Well, I have a feeling this will probably be the last hint since it's going to since it's going to reduce the possible answers drastically. In fact, I can only think of two off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's probably more. Anyway, let's recap.

What you know:

-I'm looking for the name of a wrestler
-They're best known for their work in the 90's
-They were rarely seen without their face paint

What's been guessed: Bull Nakano, The Great Kabuki, Sting, The Ultimate Warrior, The Legion of Doom, Glacier, The Rock, The Undertaker, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, Mantaur, Goldust, Cesaro, and Darby Allin

Today's hint: The wrestler is female.

As usual, one guess per day. Leave your guesses down in the comments and good luck!