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It's done. Well, Day 1 is done. The first release of Masters of the Island is here and that means it's time for my good 'ol Imposter Syndrome to kick in again. I'll be releasing it into early access which means that today it will be available for Fan-Favorites and higher, a week from now Mid-Carders will get access and after that, it will be publicly available.

From then on, I think there will be split releases, where Fan-Favorites and higher get the "Deluxe" version which will have the "extra" scenes added into it as well as any other extras that get produced along the way. The other version will strictly have the main story content, much like how NSFW was released at the end.

I'll be trying to make two downloads per release as well, with one being the complete version to date, and the other being just the new stuff to make for smaller downloads for those of you who keep the game on your hard drive.

This is going to be a learning process once again, but hopefully, I can figure out a way to make everything go smoothly.

Next up is still the Touch of Red follow-up, though I also have to get ready for the public release of MotI and make new banners and shit like that. First off, though... I'm probably going to take a day off to see how things go with this first release.

Hope you enjoy the change of pace. The next big release will be the first part of Season 2 of the NSFW, or "Masters of the Ring" as it's now known. Much to do, and that starts with getting the links up where the links live, so I'll be back in a few with the next update!


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