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I've written the first segment of Week 10... again. I had written a fairly extensive segment that I ended up deleting all of because it got pretty heavy tonally, and while that might be good for some stories, this is the NSFW, and that's not what kind of atmosphere I want to dive into. I can get serious at times, sure, but there's a line I don't want to cross and I went waaaaay over that with my first draft.

To that end, when Week 9 goes live for Mid-Carders next week, it's going to be a slightly updated version. Some of this is fixing some grammar and visual oddities that were caught by the eagle-eyed darkdreaming (thank you!), but I have also tweaked a few images in the verrrrrry last segment. Three images to be exact. Two of those are slight tweaks and updates to the characters in them, and the third is a change in expression that lightens the tone a bit to compliment the new beginning of Week 10 (as it will start immediately where Week 9 ends).

I will be updating the links on the Discord for the new version for those of you who already have access to it, and anyone at Fan-Favorite and higher who would like an updated link but don't use Discord, just send me a message and I'll get it out to you. Those links will be going up in the next day or two as I still need to repackage and upload them. (When the new links go up, the old links will go away)

I'm also going to (probably) put up a poll in the next few days that will be open to everyone. It will be about how Week 10 gets released, and possibly affect any subsequent releases, but I'm still kinda mulling it about in my head. Actually, now that I think about it, I will probably wait until a few days after Week 9 is publicly available so that I can freely discuss some details without spoiling anything for those who don't have early access.

My next update will be Monday to coincide with the early access release for Mid-Carders. See you then!


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