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This post is part of the Dungeon24 series, where I create a new room every day of the year for at total of 366 rooms. Traditionally, this is done as a dungeon, but I thought it was more interesting to do it as a Silent-Hill-inspired city. Tom Cartos and I have been chatting about doing an Ostenwold product for a long time, so I figured this made the most sense.

This document includes areas 1 and 2 of The Sanguine Dawn Inn. Once it's complete, it'll be placed into a complete PDF and locked to patrons only, so be sure to grab a copy now if you want access to the entire thing.

You can get the rest of Tom Cartos' maps from his Patreon page and website.


4 - Meeting Room

As you step into the private meeting area of the inn, an appalling stench immediately overwhelms your senses, clashing starkly with the room's otherwise orderly setup. 
In the center, a large table surrounded by chairs hints at past gatherings, now eerily silent. The southwestern wall features a shelf adorned with an array of trinkets and a prominent chest. Opposite this, the northeastern wall boasts a large bookcase, its shelves laden with leatherbound books.
This scene of quiet and scholarly reflection is abruptly shattered as a number of hideous creatures leap from their concealed positions within the room. These beings, with their gaunt, decayed appearances and hollow, lifeless eyes, move with a startling quickness and a clear intent of malice.

Encounter: Undead Menaces. The creatures are vicious undead. The number and types of creature present in this encounter depends on the party’s average level, as shown in the table below. These vile things fight until destroyed.

Investigation. The trinkets and goods on the southwestern wall’s shelf are interesting, but don’t hold more than 20 gp of value. Similarly, the nature and geography books on the shelf are nice, but relatively common in the region, worth no more than 70 gp total.

Secret Chamber. The bookcase in the northeastern side of the room obscures a secret chamber. Finding this secret chamber requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. Once discovered, a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check is needed to find the book that serves as a lever to open the door. 

Locked Trapdoor. There is a locked door in the secret chamber that leads down to the hidden section of the basement. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using proficiency in thieves’ tools unlocks the trapdoor.



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