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Hey everyone...

As always, I hope you are all well and looking after yourselves...

First, just a quick update. I've been really busy that last couple of weeks, trying to look after some IRL matters, and trying to finish a project for sale, while trying desperately to get my sleep schedule under control (it's a total mess at the moment). The project? Just converting some pose sets I made a while back to the newer generation DAZ figures. I had forgotten how amazingly tedious it is. First I have to make the pose, which I do using Victoria 4 since that the figure I use most and there is no point in making poses that I can't use myself. Then i have to convert them to Genesis 2 (as a middle step), then convert them again into Genesis 3 and 8. Then i have to check them all one by one and adjust for different leg lengths, different finger rigging etc etc... then make all the thumbnails for every pose (three times with three different figures) then do the promo artwork and write the "read me" file... Now I remember why I hated doing this soo much... It takes forever! Then I have to submit them to Renderotica and hope I didn't forget anything, Anyway, I'm working on updating my "Monstrous" pose set for G3 and G8 now...

As for todays content. An image set i actually made back in August. It's inspired by the Fallout games since it's one of my favorite game franchises. Not much of a story (Just ten images), Just some wasteland ladies running from a "Super Mutant". I included a text version and a non text version in case you just like the artwork. I made it as a sketch, but I liked how it came out, so I hope you enjoy. 

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More Nikki fun soon. Stay safe and sane my friends






Never realized they had such cheap zippers in Fallout 😁


Oooo....former pose sets remade for G8...cool


Yeah. Already released a few a while back, but I got lazy because it takes ages to convert them properly.