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Hey everyone.

Hoping that you are all staying safe out there, and doing well. Sorry to get quiet again on you. IRL issues to deal with... (esh) But I wanted to mark the day, and since Nikki is all about spreading the love, here's an exclusive little image series just for you guys (full disclosure, one or two of these may end up on DA or Twitter, but I made them specifically to mark the day for my patrons. I appreciate you guys and I hope were ever you are, you're felling the love)


Also, expect some more goodies soon, including 'The Experiment MkIII' (which I will post either later tonight or tomorrow, It's gonna take a while to upload and I need a nap! LOL) and some polls. 

As always, stay safe, and feel loved! Virtual hugs and kisses from Nikki, and virtual hugs and crisp high fives from me!




Hugs to you to 'Clips!


A Lovely romantic set 😍💝😍


Playing catch up, sorry Nikki. Nothing exciting on V day for me, some years back now that was the ONLY day we could cremate my late step Dad, so yeah, not a date to forget..... anyways, LOVE YA NIKKI, mwahhhh XXX


A sad thing to have to do on what's supposed to be a happy day... I'm so sorry for that. But I and Nikki are both always happy to have you around!