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Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well and staying safe!

Sorry this is late. I actually finished it around 11am Sunday, then went to shovel snow, and then fell asleep before I remembered to upload it! D'oh!

So he's the second part of the story, but it's actually the first part I made (see the notes on page two) but the story makes more sense in this order. It was actually the first rendered story were I was actually happy with the way the renders came out, and there are still a few images in it that I'm pretty proud of. It's also the first time I tried doing a MFF threesome (guy, girl, futa) so I hope you enjoy, and be kind, the renders have been sitting on my hard drives for at least 7-8 years...


The final part (The Experiment Mk3: Unfinished) is coming soon and then it's back to new stuff! 

Stay Safe!




No wonder "The bureau" needs Abbey. The men are a bunch of wussies. What do they think will happen when the same division of the KGB get's a hold of them...🤔🤪😎


Interesting idea about sexy SCP-esque organization. Having different "containment" procedures for different subjects. Kudos to 'Clips!


Thank you. I had that idea a while ago, still love to do something more with it one day... (I actually had to look SCP up. LOL. Cool. If you had said BPRD or MiB I would have gotten those right away. LOL)


LOL. There not all wussies... But this guy is new... (Been there three weeks... He only remembers one. 😉) Let's hope the KGB doesn't get involved...LOL


I'm STILL getting over the horse cock dildo in MY ass from Mk1, when I look at these I'll report back... ;-)