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Deserters leave the battlefield and make way for an ale house, but things are not what they appear. No literally. There are so many things that appear in the movie and what even are they? It’s definitely an experience! 

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/QdtI6Q8hNPw



g g gooding

Partial breakdown of magicy stuff w/a simplistic summary: Scene one, Whitehead looks into the field seeing "merely shadows." The ghost-like figures he sees are Jacob and Friend (who aren't "in" the field yet) in their same poses as the final shot, just without WH. Into purgatory they march with a false promise of heaven (the ale house.) After drugging J&F (Cutler doesn't eat) they attempt to pull O'neil out of a mushroom circle (portal to The Upside Down, basically) but O'Neil pulls them IN, where time and nature fracture. Upon WH saying he gained a new skill, O'Neil is *afraid* of him until WH says its lace-making. WH is unknowingly POWERFUL...is the field merely HIS purgatory and the others minor aspects of him? After the beatifully horrific tent-transformation of WH into a devlish divining rod, WH leads them to the field's (his?) treasure...which is their grave (note Friend finding his own pipe as they dig. When Cutler later fires into the grave, it seems to hit HIM.) WH then "consumes" the field thereby "becoming" it. He not only controls the wind, he incants O'Neil into killing Cutler, then having bloody hands which reflect the broken skrying mirror. The trip scene is an assaulting replay of WH's story, split apart and then coming together into a whole (with a cute "pop"!) WH is his own master now, and after obliterating O'Neil's face dons his alchameic robes absorbing him. Buries his brothers (the true treasure) and...uh...does he eat O'Neil and Cutler? Jeez. Being a Whole Man (who is no more than an insect) WH returns to the battle (which has NOT moved on as Cutler said near the start) to the chants of "Long Live The King!" The King, btw, lost the civil war and was executed. The final shot is WH and his brothers... ironically he cannot be a "whole man" alone. And a followup comment...

g g gooding

I left a lot out of that, cause its too much as is. A (FAR TOO) simple summation is Freudian: WH is EGO, thus everything is him. Jacob is "good" ID, our base self. Eats, shits, has venerial disease. Friend is "good" SUPEREGO. His message to his wife is confession. He (foolishly, innocently) confesses to The Devil "they're here!" Cutler is "bad" ID (he and Jacob *are* the 2 dicks. 😳) O'Neil is "bad" SUPEREGO. WH must befriend, defeat and absorb all of himself to become Whole. So the Theme of the film can be summed up: You take the good You take the bad You take them both and there you have The facts of life! The facts of life! 🤗

g g gooding

A final bon mot, and then I'll shut up. Talking to my bestie a couple days ago I mentioned watching this with ya! She pointed out my favorite painting, which hangs in my bedroom. "What does that painting have to do with A Field...in...oh. Oh," I realized. (Its not so much the actual field, tbc) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landscape_with_the_Fall_of_Icarus