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Hello again everyone, this map is the Underdark Fork (30x40), a more cavernous Underdark map than last week's! I wanted this next map to feel like it's part of a more gigantic cavern, lit up by the glow of these large, glowing mushrooms. I think I like that vibe, so I'll make a few more like it. 

Your alternate versions of this map are Rotten and Ghostly- Rotten is nice because it fills a few niches by itself, feeling both like a dusty brownstone cave and a poisonous cave depending on how you pitch it. The Ghostly version goes in the other direction, feeling colder, more spectral, and maybe a little swampier? I feel that having these 2 variants will greatly broaden the usefulness of this map for many of you, which is helpful for cave maps which feel to me to be less accessible than maps on the surface. I hope you like it and get a chance to use it!



Patrick Fowlow

Would you be willing to post a tutorial on how to use the PSD files and adjust maps for those of us who barely know Photoshop?