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I'm back this week with my largest map yet, the Shattered Coast (40x50)! This jumbo-sized map features an idyllic stretch of rocky coast, filled with medium to small islands and implying more nearby. The islands are placed so that an adventurer on foot could navigate from one end to the other, but with some gaps being more difficult to pass over than others. I'm hoping this will make for an interesting combat!

Moving on- my next map is going to be a bit smaller, more similar to my typical map. These extra large maps I've been making take a lot of time to put together and so they, along with my recent cold, have left me far behind schedule. Hopefully you don't all mind a return to normalcy for a map or two while I get myself back on track- thanks for being patient!

PS. I've learned that Roll20 now allows map file sizes to be up to 10MB! That's great news, because this is a really big map and I was having a hell of a time rendering each JPG to be less than 5MB. I plan on keeping file sizes as small as possible without sacrificing quality, but that's why you'll find some to be larger than usual in the future. 

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