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Hi Experts and Masters! This week's map is the Mystical Ruins (40x40), a substantial magical platform in the forest with some extremely magical gems. I'd suspect that these big nasty gems are probably not doing any good for the surrounding forest, perhaps causing some unusual and space-rending magical effects to trigger nearby, but that's up to you! Maybe the locals love these huge beauties for how they allow their crops to grow 10 times the size they should, or maybe a local group of sorcerers draw magic from them to fuel extraordinary magical feats that would be impossible otherwise?

And some of your extra versions might help with some of these concepts! First off you've got one which I'm just calling 'Red', for the sake of simplicity- featuring red gems instead of blue/pink and an overall shift toward more 'sunset' colors, as well as more dramatic lighting. This version feels much more evil than the original, perhaps signifying a change in the effect that the gems were emitting. Your other version is a more typical Foggy variant, which I think would work nicely with a story where the gems are somehow twisting the surrounding forest to be more confusing and circular, like Zelda's Lost Woods. At the very least it feels nice and spooky, so it fills a different niche than the other variants.



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