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Hello again, everyone! This week's map is the Savannah Cave (35x35), one that was inspired by World of Warcraft's Barrens. And, if you are looking for a map to use for the inside of the cave, take a look at the Cave options I've made previously! I haven't made any fresh ones in a little while though, so maybe I ought to consider slipping one into the lineup sometime..

Thank you everyone for participating in the recent Map Poll 12! Your comments have proven very helpful to me- I actually increased the size of this map from 30x30 to 35x35 after seeing some of your suggestions for larger and larger maps. While I didn't have the time this week to make anything larger than this, I'll make a conscious effort in the future to make even bigger maps. Anyway, I'm looking forward to making the winners from the poll, starting this week, it looks like you picked some very fun ones to start out. 

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here.



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