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This week's map is the Parkside Market (25x30), not the Markside Pocket! I like to fill my city maps with a lot of greenery, and typically that means I add a few trees and patches of grass here and there, but I felt like it was a little strange that I hadn't made any that involve parks. So, this week's features a nice transition from city to forest, and next week's can build more on this concept with an outright city park! 

Alternately, maybe it's time for me to whip up some more seasonally spooky maps? I haven't started thinking about Halloween-y maps yet, so I'd love your thoughts on what I should make! I could see a version of next week's park map with blood in the fountain, or perhaps with giant webs clogging the trees.

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here.




A vampire's crypt or just a surface map showing "aftermath of the battle" in a mundane location like a field or street would be cool for the season!


I adore your city maps, and I’m using them to create a whole interconnected city for my thieves guild campaign. (Using multi level tokens in foundry, for that seamless experience) so seeing another one always makes my day.


I am literally about to start a campaign where Orcs are attacking the outskirts of a town and this map is perfect to set that combat up! Thank you!


I'd love to see some more spooky themed maps!