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Hello everyone! This week's map is the Roadside Watchtower (30x26), a kinda rare one since it has both interiors and exteriors as well as multiple floors. I can't believe I never got around to making a map like this before, since it seems like every mapmaker on the block has made something similar.

I had a bit of a hard time laying this one out, but I think I ended up with a pretty simple way to present this location- I've rendered the map from the birds-eye-view, showing the roof of the watchtower (which honestly might be enough by itself for many DMsv), and also prepared PNGs of each floor of the watchtower so that they can be used as tokens and overlaid on top. I thought this would be a little more useful of a solution than providing JPGs of the map with each floor revealed, which I thought would be a bit cumbersome. I hope it isn't too complicated still!

Adepts can find their post here as well as a Revisited post here, and Experts can find theirs here




Cool idea with the overlaid tokens!


Big fan of the token map solution


This is perfect timing for me!

John Van Dinther

Oh yes, more of this please. Token layer floors be handy.

Andrea Pellegrino

I'm DMing a Lotr campain and this will be perfect


I love how often these maps include water and varying topography. just lovely.


I was about to say almost the same thing - the only difference is that my campaign is for AiME rather than LOTR.


Lovely map to build an encounter round. Thanks.

