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Hello Experts and Masters! This week's map is the Grimy Inn (18x16), the least appetizing inn map I've made yet. I think I would offer this place to my players if they were looking for one of the cheapest places in town, making sure to mention the musty smell and hostile looks from the patrons. 

Your alternate versions for this map are Subdued and Subterranean- an unusual option that I don't typically include for building maps. For that one I decided to shade and color the map like I would a dank, Underdark cave, with a sickly greenish-yellow glow to everything and deep blue shadows. I'm not too sure what the best use of this version would be, maybe for some Underdark city, but I thought it looked cool enough that it would be a fun addition. Hopefully I wasn't too far off-base and some of you can come up with exciting uses for it!



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