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Hello folks! The adepts this week get a nice Autumnal version of the Misty Boneyard, cutting the mist for something a little more vibrant and colorful, but still brimming with those fall vibes that I know many of you are looking for in your maps (because you told me). 

1. The idea for this one came from a patron's suggestion for a misty place at the bottom of a cliff with piles and piles of animal bones scattered about. Turns out many of you liked the idea because it was voted very highly in the poll, so I grabbed my shovel and went off to do my dark deeds.

I liked the idea of embracing that movie trope of giant bones signifying an alien or fantastic world, usually with a big ol' rib cage in the desert or something, and I always leap for fun tropes in my DnD. My other addition was a giant ram's skull half-buried in the dirt, perhaps to provide some cover for people who want to climb into the eye socket, but mostly I liked the Doom cover vibes of the giant horned skull.

2. The basics of this map were simple, plenty of trees and grass with some rocks thrown in for scrappy cover. That kind of stuff can be done in 1 to 1 1/2 days, and once I decided just how bone-y I wanted it to be the rest of the outlines were done in another day. It's nice to draw something a bit detailed every once in a while, the skulls were a nice change of pace compared to the typical props I've drawn a couple hundred times over. 

3. As we near Halloween I really wanted the main version of this map to be particularly eerie color-wise, similar to last year's Spooky Woods color scheme preferably (or was it Spooky Forest? I can't remember and I'm too lazy to check). 

Since the mist was supposed to be a big part of the map (being in the name and all), I wanted to make sure to really stress that aspect despite the way it muddied the already subdued colors. I toyed with the mist and a number of different color schemes, and in the end I went with something nice and grim, with just a little blue-ish mist to get a ghostly feel. Personally I would have preferred this without the mist, but prompts are prompts I suppose.



Dan Holbrook

I needed exactly this for next week thank you so much!