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Hey folks, this is my second time typing this due to Patreon troubles, so let's do this nice and quick. Your alt versions this week are subdued and stark! The stark version is a different take on the regular 'lit' map, though with some subtle changes: cleaner lighting, more neutral colors, and less of my paper overlay I like to use. The effect is a more bright map that I think gives it some laboratory vibes. 

1. This is an Expert map so, after sketching the top level to his specifications (plus some additions of my own that I think will make the map interesting in combat), I decided that a bottom level would be necessary so that it can be useful for all my other patrons. In short, it's a 'dungeon building', a bunch of rooms with a couple options to move onward. 

2. The outlines here were rough- I never like drawing circles and, as you can tell, this map is jam-packed with those bad boys. I cheated a bit by using the shapes tool and dirtying up the lines with my regular brush, but I get a little over-committed to perfection when circles and symmetrical design is at play. In short, this took me 3x as long as normal and I've driven myself to the brink of insanity.

3. As reference for this map I used the Garden Temple's colors and shading, a pretty clean style for an indoor map. My issue, as always, is that when I can't use the sun as a light source I just end up shading everything a little bit, in hopes that I can make it pop just a smidge further out of the background. I'm somewhat happy with the lighting (on the 2nd floor especially, but I'll always be looking forward to the next time I can make an outdoor map. 

And before I go, I have to remind you to go vote in the poll! I'll be stopping by soon to respond to comments, so if you want to make sure I see what you have to say then drop on by! 




Ooh, quite unique for an encounter map. Lots of gravitas, I dig it


I don’t suppose there is a roof to this so I could put it in its environment?