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Welcome one and all to my 6th poll! Many of these options were suggested by you all and several are my own, and since you can vote multiple times feel free to throw your hat in with everything that catches your eye! Once this is over I'll start making the top half of the items on this poll, this way I can avoid the maps that have the least interest among all my Patrons.

**This poll will be ending 1 week from today on September 16, so be sure to choose your favorites before then**

As always you can send me more suggestions in the comments here, this will be the first place I look for the next poll!



I was weeks late to the last poll, so I sincerely doubt you read my comment there, but broadly speaking I'd love more "inside" maps (Cluttered Warehouse is an A+ start). But other things--store that's actually a gang front, halls of a wizard academy, and anything else that's fairly adaptable to murderhobo party members would be fantastic.


I would also love some wizard themed halls, my players are about to go hunt wizards.


Running waterdeep right now, so voting for all the urban maps.Would absolutely love the fight pit, seems relatively unique compared to the current neutral party library!


Loving the snowy mountain and cave options as my party are investigating the disappearance of their human barbarians tribe!


My sentiment exactly. More interior maps would be awesome!


Running Waterdeep so any (generic) urban centered map would be great!


Your maps are delightful and expressive. I agree to more inside maps, though I LOVE what you do when you get creative on outdoor locations as well. Viking Mead Hall is my personal fave on this list. Can't wait!

Kurt Stoffer

I am running Planescape, I really need things like the Downward Slopes of Gehenna, Chaos of Limbo, Battle Cubes of Acheron, Bladed Houses in Sigil, Sky Bergs of Asgard, Fetid Pits of Pazunia, etc...


I really, REALLY like the magic shop idea. I'm sure they're more difficult to produce, but some internal location maps would be amazing.


I chose warehouse because there aren't many maps for that, but magic shop sounds cool


I'm definitely looking for anything I can include in Tomb of Annihilation (D&D 5e) - anything jungle-oriented would be a huge plus!


I would love to see a warehouse. Your maps are simply the best out there and I would love to see some more urban settings.


Starting up a Trudvang game soon. Voted for all the norseish stuff.


Oh man. I tried to vote, as best as I could, with things that would be generally awesome, and not just for what I need in my campaign. I'd bloody love to see a magic shop or alchemist's lab. I think you could make it look amazing. A beautiful, colourful shop could be used by almost anyone. Dungeon Tiles sound fantastic! A tool to build our own dungeons, right? I'd love something like that, that'd be crazy useful! Slimy Sewers, Crystal Cavern and Misty Boneyard sound awesome if they really lean into their namesakes. A boneyard isn't just a graveyard - it's gotta be built of bone, right? Crystal caverns don't just have a few outcroppings - at least half the cave is a massive geode, right? Slimy Sewers aren't just dank and disgusting - the walls are covered in two-inch-thick, slippery, goopy, mucusy, somehow-moving ooze...........right? Damn, these locations could be utterly beautiful if taken far enough within their themes. Viking Fighting Pit, Cluttered Mead Hall, and City Warehouse were my last votes; some nice indoor areas that could just be very useful. I don't imagine them being exceptionally "beautiful" but they're great tools to have in one's pocket. Fingers crossed - you know I utterly adore the fantastical!


I love you maps. And I'm running a Freeport pirate campaign right now. So some more urban and docks inspired maps, but also some jungle maps would be nice. I have a few campaigns where some jungle would be good.


Love it, can some of the alternative maps come in Autumn? There's a severe lack of that time of the year in maps.


I think it would be interesting to have a battle map with some elevation worked in, multiple levels and such. There are some tavern maps where you can drop from the upper floor into the main hall, but I think it'd also cool to have a busy and cramped city street with balconies, overhangs and perhaps even crossing ropes or such. Something where the opponents can start on a high ground and the adventurers have to figure out how to get to them. Or a dried up river creek with a bridge. Or a mine intersection with multiple overlapping rail lines. Or an elven tree fortress.


I prefer to make friends with wizards, but that's just me. The magic shop is a nod in a more magical direction, but I'll write down your suggestion for next time!


I know people love them urban maps, so I made sure to add a few options in the poll this time. I honestly prefer making natural maps (forests, caves, mountains), but I also get why urban maps are often way more useful for a lot of people. Anything in particular you're looking for?


Thank you very much! The mead hall will be a fun one- I'm thinking I'll use Jorrvaskr, the Companions mead hall in Skyrim, as inspiration. They've got a pretty sweet hall and it gives off those Viking vibes that everyone likes to see.


Well, they're more difficult and aren't exactly my favorite to make, but people really need them. Who am I to turn you all down?


With every poll I always forget to add one environment, this time I forgot the jungle maps.. I'll see if I can slip in a couple along the way


Thank you very much! There's some stiff competition out there (my personal favorite mapmaker right now is Czepeku!), so that means a lot to me. I'm working on more urban maps, so hang tight!


I do too! I'm hoping to do them all justice, this time I know I set myself up with very fantastic and interesting locations so I'm hopeful that they'll come out as great as I imagine them :)


I've made a few autumnal versions in the past but I never got very much positive feedback about them. I'll assume that since you said something then there are many others who would like to see more as well, I'll be sure to make some soon!


I always try to get a little elevation in my maps, but rarely overlapping- I'll make a point of doing so in the future!


I would really love to see some more tavern maps. Your maps are beautiful and I use them all the time. There aren't really a lot of tavern maps out there and really you can never have enough tavern maps. Maybe some run down tavern or a high end one. Love you maps by the way :D they are all lovely and easy to use <3