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Here is the latest.

I was told by the electricians on Thursday that I would have a dedicated power line for my computer for the weekend - but then when they were working yesterday (Friday), they said they were going to finish up all the outdoor work instead and start in my area on Monday. Liars.

I suspect that they simply did not want to deal with the complicated wiring in my apartment on a Friday when they were no doubt itching to be off for the weekend. Whatever.

That still leaves me unable to access any of my data - even to post unbranded works to tide things over. I felt confident that I need not move out while this work was being done - and now I am not in a position to do *that* either, due to a completely separate situation at my IRL job.


I will be issuing refunds to any of you who have unwittingly subscribed or resubscribed during the last month. I will make it right, somehow.

I will pause billing for as many months as it takes to get up and running again - although I will not wait until the end of a billing cycle to begin releasing content again. My plan is to make sure that everyone receives at least a full month's worth of content before I resume billing.

While it is still my hope that I may begin releasing content again as soon as next weekend - I cannot guarantee anything. If any of you choose to unsubscribe - I will certainly understand.


I value and appreciate everyone of you for your support. Your kind pledges over the years have enabled me to create more and better artwork. Your comments, faves, and personal messages have given me a great deal of joy and satisfaction. Nothing makes me happier than to hear that I've struck a chord with someone's fantasy and that they love an image that I have created!

It has been extremely difficult for me to be unable to create anything for you for so long. I feel that I have let you all down. I know that objectively, I really don't have a lot of control over what is happening right now - but I cannot bear the thought of disappointing all of you, my beloved supporters. I have really struggled with this over the past month or so.

So, with some luck, I'll start back up again very quickly and this long pause between posting new content will fade into an unpleasant, but relatively brief interruption.

Thank you!

~ Pratev


S Munson

You know I'll stick with you No Matter What comes. You will come back with a Vengeance!


I certainly hope and plan to! I've got alla these image ideas swirling around in my head with no way to explore them!

Thomas Polk

Rise above this; you will get through it!

S Munson

Any meat as long as it's real meat, not plant based. I've got the potato salad covered.