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Hello, everyone.

You may have noticed there was no Progress Report last week. I noted on the February 14 update that it was going to be delayed and minimal, because I was going to a wedding Monday/Tuesday. That went well, was a great ceremony, nothing to complain about - other than the fact I got sick the day of the wedding.

I was too sick to work on much of anything until Friday. Saturday I started to recover, though I was still too sick to really get much done. The Wednesday stream was canceled, and Saturday's should've been.

On top of being sick all week, my friends have only escalated their efforts to sap away what free time I have to play games. It's starting to get to the point I may need to put my foot down. It's frankly getting ridiculous.

So yeah, it wasn't really until Sunday I had the time and energy to get anything done. And by then I basically gave up on getting anything productive done.

I had aspirations to be productive last week and - in favor of all odds - none of them were met.


I have decided to slow down the roll on minivids, going from 1 video a month, to 1 video every two months. Consider Pharmmetra's release last week to be March's release.

I haven't been feeling like I am getting enough time between releases to make adequate progress on other projects. Hopefully another 4 weeks between them will help with that. Harley will release in April, then Leliana in June, and Elsanna in August.

Harley is still in the sound-design shop. Leliana's dialogue came in the other day, I am hoping to get the dub audio recorded by next Monday.


No progress has been made. I am not happy about this.


No progress has been made. Literally the past 4 times I've booted it up to work on it, within 3 minutes of SFM loading, I've been pulled away by friends to do shit. It's frankly pissing me off.

On-Stream Projects

With the completion and release of Pharmmetra, I have begun hunting down the next on-stream project. I started by polling my Discord and recording both interests and disinterests, and weighing disinterests twice as heavy as interests.

What fell out is that of the characters I have built, the five in the post image are the most liked with zero dislikes. From there, I've been working with people to come up with project ideas, and then pitch posters for their projects. As you can tell, Scarlet and DVa don't have posters yet. Scarlet has had a group of people in my Discord working on her for weeks now, but they can't come to any consensus on what a project should be. And DVa has had not any effort whatsoever put into her yet.

Hopefully by next week, all five projects will be figured out, the pitch posters will all be made, and a proper decision can be made as to which on-stream project we pursue next.

Final thoughts

Overall I am extremely displeased with how the past two weeks have been gone. I think my depression might be flaring up again. I'll try to get things done. Don't expect much.

Until next week. 



J Arco

Your stuff is worth waiting for, and the fact that you post these updates is much appreciated. Stay well!