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Hello, everyone!

I'm still with family at the moment, and as I anticipated, not a whole lot of work has been done.

Of note, Dances and I have been working on how to add an exposition extension to Overbreed Episode 1; I originally wrote the episode under illusions it'd be a relatively short and simple project, and a pilot for a series that may not continue. All three of those concepts have fallen away since then, and so I decided to go all-in and work on properly fleshing out the narrative end of the video to complement its extended lewd end. We're still hammering it out, so nothing specific to share yet.

Similarly, Wolves and I have also been making some progress on Sherbeccaverse. We've got a draft for a first episode figured out, but we still need to hammer out the rest of the series. Again, too early to share anything specific.

And then finally, I've done some exploring and prototyping, and have settled on the next batch of one-offs, as shown above. Rather than go into detail about them, I'll just share some dialogue samples from each. The dialogue is not final, and may change or be omitted entirely in the final product.

Harley: "I can't understand why Mister J warned me about this place. This is the most fun I've had in a long time! Just wish they gave more than three boxes of condoms... they barely lasted four hours!"

Anna: "You know, Elsa, I admit I had my doubts about how good a queen you'd make. Don't get me wrong, you're a good person, but you've never really been a... people person. But offering to let the people freely fuck your face? Wowie, my jaw aches just thinking about it!"

Leliana: "Four nights under Orin's knife, and nary a murmur or complaint. Yet we've barely been at this six hours, and I've already got you sweating like a stuffed pig. Or a stuffing pig, as it were. I can see in your eyes how badly you want to make me a mother. Tell me what I want to know, and I'll take the ring off, let you fill me to the brim with your children."

Of the three, the Harley one is actually fully animated and just about ready to commit to a voice. I just need to proofread it and finalize the dialogue. Amusingly, it's also the least-lit of the three. I guess priorities change when you're too paranoid to animate due to being with family, but not too paranoid to scenebuild and light.

Neither the Elsa/Anna nor Leliana ones have been animated yet. Hoping to get all three of those moving along within the next week.

Speaking of next week, I am eyeballing Sunday being when I return from visiting my folks. So don't expect much from next Monday's progress report, either.




Cool. Looking forward to the next one-offs.