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Mein Gott! A Progress Report that's actually on time!

Alpha 4 of the visual novel is online. Click here to check it out. Here's the changelog from it:

  • Added the date of the current version to the landing page.
  • Added second sex sequence to intro.
  • Reworded and reordered the anal-play options in character builder.
  • Fixed anal-play buttons having weird positioning.
  • Finished anal-play section of character builder.
  • Made dialogue choices appear when dialogue ends, rather than when it begins, for a more logical flow.
  • Added "click anywhere to skip typewriter effect" functionality.

Next week I am hoping to at least start putting together the roadmaps (story and technical) for the visual novel.

I didn't make any Overbreed progress, but I did decide on a December project: DVa Does December! I've got one animation done, and another in the pipe. My goal is to get a few more done before December begins, so I think I will probably spend most of this next week on that. If I can get a half-dozen or so animations done, that'll give me a good buffer so that I can return focus on Overbreed.

I also spent WAY too much time building a streamer-site parody, which I've entitled WatchMe.Cum. A good chunk of that time was spent taking my old Thirst Engine (lewd comment generator) that I wrote for some old Marie videos, and porting it to Javascript, so it can run realtime in the browser. And then some more time went into integrating WatchMe.Cum into the existing SpontanePhoto ecosystem - though currently there is no way to actually move between SpontanePhoto and WatchMe.Cum. 

I have to say, I am extremely chuffed with the results, though. The whole thing feels nice, and I am particularly proud of how genuine Thirst Engine feels. It really feels like a cross between camgirl-chat thirst and Twitch-channel spam, which was my goal. If there was an official Kreygasm unicode, I would absolutely have added messages spamming it to the Thirst Engine.

The feature I am probably proudest of though is WatchMe.Cum's picture-swap mode. Each "stream" has two videos attached, a main video and a secondary video, as seen in the preview post. And clicking on either video will swap them around, making the secondary video large and the main video small. So you can swap between them and enjoy both angles at your leisure.

The featured DVa Spontanephoto post won't be going live until November 30. The WatchMe.Cum video is live and viewable right now, though I am keeping it from the general public until December 1. Once everything's loaded, you might need to refresh the page to keep the videos in sync. They're rather large videos, so the chances of one loading faster than the other are fairly high. I will look into a way to force them to synchronize.

Be aware that WatchMe.Cum very likely does not work on mobile. In fact, it probably doesn't work on anything that isn't 1080p Google Chrome on Windows 10. The entire thing is held together with chewing gum and duct tape. I am not a web developer, and frankly I am amazed it works as well as it does.

To get around that, I will be posting each of the December videos as a special screen recording of the animation, showing off the chat and everything, as well as the raw videos. These will all be posted publicly on Twitter, so be sure to follow my Twitter throughout the month of December if you're interested in that!

For posterity. I've attached this preview December 1's video to this post. So if you can't view the page and see it all work live, you can at least get an idea of what the experience feels like!

That's all for now!




Thanks for the update. Both the visual novel and the parody are looking pretty good. Keep on keeping on dude.