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  • Overbreed_Ep1_Wip07_c.mp4



Hello, everyone!

I apologize for yet belated progress report.

Overbreed is going well! Got another whopping 86 seconds put together since the last WIP, available for download as an attachment to this post. And more importantly, I am almost back onto the rails and returning to the screenplay!

This was a fun excursion though, and while the pacing and intensity is a lot bumpier than the silky smooth progression of the screenplay, I think people will enjoy the spikes and drops of this altered take on the oral sequence. Adds dramatic flair.

I'm going to be spending the next few days focusing on getting the Liz OLC done. As you can tell, I haven't done that yet. The Femshep OLC will not be ready for November 7, unfortunately.

I've also been doing some work on the Galleries page. Put together a minute-long silent video on this past Saturday's stream, and also put together another minute-long video in my spare time. The former is up on the Galleries page, in a new section dedicated to non-loop non-film videos like it. The latter will go up tomorrow.

The Galleries page's content filtering system has also been updated slightly, with previously-released content now getting tagged for better filtering. And I realized that the research and tech I put together for the seamlessly looping videos was never actually installed onto the live build of the Galleries page - so that's been updated, too.

These updates to the galleries page will go live with the video I will be posting tomorrow. Planned to do it all today, but just ran out of time.

The Pharah/Symmetra on-stream video is making progress, with Pharah's audio fully recorded and the cameo DVa audio recorded as well. Earlier today I cast Symmetra, so hopefully within a week or two that will video will be ready for release.

And the Claire/Jill on-stream video will be picking up production this upcoming weekend. It is the first project I'm not directing myself, but instead have a fellow Patron, Dr Javi, directing it. He came up with the idea while I was streaming, and I liked the idea so much I just tossed him the reins and told him to direct me. I'm very curious to see what he has in store for us!

That's all the major news for now. Hopefully this upcoming Friday will be a post made on time. Don't expect much progress on Overbreed to be made between now and then, though - I only have Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday as work days. Saturday and Wednesday are stream days, and Thursdays are days off.

And it's already Monday and the day is basically done, meaning that it's only really Tuesday and Friday that I can get work done before the next progress report. And I intend to focus my energy on the Liz video this week. So unless it gets finished a lot faster than I expect (which it very well could - most of the lip-sync is done, and the scenebuild should in theory be a simple construction), I don't expect to touch Overbreed this week.

Until next time, everyone!




Sweet. Keep on keeping on dude.


What should Mercys line "Mein Musli" mean? I mean..im german but i dont get it.


Despite Mercy's voice actress speaking standard German, her character bio asserts that she is from Zurich, which would assert that she likely speaks Swiss German. If you don't know, as I didn't until I researched it, Swiss German deviates fairly significantly from standard German, with a largely differentiated vocabulary and even some different grammar rules. As such, I reached out to a Zuricher Patron on the Discord to help me with Mercy's dialogue, and he suggested the term "mein muusli", which in Swiss German is roughly "my little mouse," as a pet name / name of endearment. This Zuricher Patron has already let me know that a lot of the standard German phrasing that I have been using in these WIP videos isn't accurate to her Swiss German character. Since this segment is entirely off-script though, I can't really get them translated ahead of time - I'm putting this sequence together shot-by-shot, coming up with dialogue on the fly. Once this sequence is done though, I fully intend to sit down with my Zuricher friend and get Mercy's dialogue squared away prim and proper. So that's why "mein muusli" probably doesn't mean anything to you, as a German. To my understanding, this is a purely Swiss German idiom.

Dr. Javi

Oh shit, it's on.