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  • Overbreed_Ep1_Wip05.mp4



Hello, everyone!

The progress train keeps on chugging along with Overbreed. This week finds us just at the edge of concluding the first segment of Sequence C - I probably could have wrapped it up tonight, but I want to start rolling my sleep schedule back. Going to bed at 4AM and waking up at noon is losing its luster, to say nothing of the fact I have a friend's birthday party this Sunday and they want to start doing things around 10AM, so I need to spend the next few days trying to make that feasible.

With that being said, I have to say I am extremely surprised with just how long this segment turned out to be. As of this week's WIP render, Sequence C now has just over 3.5 minutes of pure animation runtime. That's just about as long as the entire Fraternization sequence's runtime (though it technically had about 6 minutes of animation, the split-screen compressed it). And, unlike Fraternization, that is entirely sex sequence, with absolutely zero narrative animation.

And to really put it into perspective, this is how much of Sequence C's plan has been covered so far:

Almost exactly a fifth of the references.

If we were to assume that the remaining references would all take the same amount of runtime as the ones already done (which is an absolutely terrible assumption to make; these references are extremely inconsistent with how much happens between them), then that means that Sequence C alone would end up with a runtime of around 20 minutes.

And then you have to take into account that Sequence C, as its name would suggest, is just one of three sex sequences. It is, admittedly, the longest of the three (though Sequence B isn't much shorter). And there is also narrative animation to take place.

All of this combined, and - again, following the terrible assumption we shouldn't be following - it would theoretically be possible for Overbreed Episode 1 to clock in at 45 minutes runtime.

Again, it is all but certain that it will not end up being that long. But I think 20 minutes is a good floor. Again, there are three sequences total, plus narrative.

Beyond Overbreed, I have also been exploring some other ideas. I've brought up previously the idea of "micro animations," shorts that were meant to be about 90 seconds in length. The ideal goal being to have one done a month, to hold people over whilst I work on these bigger productions.

Unfortunately, the prototype micro, with Nyotengu, spun into production right as I got sick. That buggered everything up, and in the interim I've come to realize I don't think the idea will work. The problem is that I have a tendency of writing too big of ideas. I like story, what can I say.

All of my attempts to write these micros would explode and balloon into full-on shorts, if not straight-up series. One such micro ended up being written out as a five-part miniseries.

So, I decided to try a different approach. Something I am internally referring to as "the One-Loop Challenge", or OLC for short, the idea is simple: with only a single animation loop (with variations), and a finisher / climax animation of some sort, use the environment, context, and animation itself to tell a story. By its nature, these animations would end up being short. And also by their nature, they would end up being quick to produce - loops very rarely take me more than a day to put together, and on particular auspicious days I've been able to crank out four complete loops.

They wouldn't end up being 1-day productions, just because of the fact I'd need to get them voiced, but in theory I could easily get one of these cranked out a month. Spend a day animating it, a day securing voice talent for it, a week waiting for the voice talent to do their magic, two days lip-syncing polishing, and a day editing. Total production is less than 2 weeks, of which only 5 days are spent actually consuming my time on it.

Here are four that I currently have in various stages of production, and a brief summary of each of them.

Harley Gloryhole - The original goal was to recycle the recorded-and-paid-for audio from the long-ago-abandoned stream project, Holes in the Wall. This thought is actually what inspired the entire OLC idea. Unfortunately, upon review, the audio recorded won't work well - so hopefully the wonderful voice actress who recorded for Harley last time will be up for giving it another try! Harley getting an endless stream of guys creaming her through a hole in the wall (heu).

Rebecca Double Analysis - Virologist Rebecca Chambers and two of her associates passing time waiting for a simulation to run with double anal. As the guys finish inside Rebecca's butt, she checks on the simulation - only to discovered it crashed! Restarting the simulation, she innocently asks if her coworkers want to go again.

Tentacles For Science - This was an idea that I had no particular character for, so I asked someone on the Discord whose a huge fan of tentacles and all-the-way-through for characters he'd like to see in this particular scenario. He chose DVa, and so DVa is going to be eagerly encouraging a tentacle creature to stuff her holes (for science, of course), before winding its way butt-to-mouth all the way through and ejaculating. Before DVa encourages it to keep going, she requests that the tentacle creature cums inside her at least once.

Rope Powerplay - Spymaster Leliana's technique for interrogating prisoners of the Inquisition is notoriously unconventional. With Cassandra taking notes as she audits the process, Leliana explains to her that having the entire prison ward run a train on her as she's tied up is an ultimate move of domination - the prisoners know that, even as she's all tied up and they're spilling their seed into her womb, she is the one in utter and complete control. Cassandra is unconvinced, but that doesn't deter Leliana from trying to convince her.

I'm not sure which of these micros I will finish first. The Leliana one will likely be last, because neither Leliana nor Cassandra are finished - indeed, Cassandra isn't even actually built. It's just a quick XNALara port I put together for a previous proof-of-concept. Which one of those four would you guys like to see most?

I actually have even more ideas than these, but I'm putting my foot down and focusing on these four first. I want to at least get them in the voicing pipeline before I start exploring even more. Ideally, I can actually get the first 3 all in production at the same time, even get them finished in the same month. Then, I can just release one of them, and hold onto the other two for the following months - while putting together an even larger buffer of finished OLCs in the meantime.

I'd be nice to actually have a surplus of content to release, and being able to consistently trickle out these animations once a month. Man... Just the thought of not having to scramble and be weeks behind scheduled releases... Good vibes. Good vibes.

Anyways! That's all I have for now. The full WIP is attached to this post! Until next week, everyone!




Nice to read about the amount of progress you made. I would really love to see the tentacle-all-the-way-through animation. Take your time and don't stress out.