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  • Overbreed_Ep1_Wip04.mp4



Hello everyone!

So, you may have noticed this title says September 3, and it's being posted on September 7.

Yeahhh... I originally intended to post this on Friday, but the renders for this week's 43-second WIP ended up taking a lot longer than I expected, and by the time they were finished I needed to go to bed.

My parents were visiting Saturday, so I didn't even bother trying to post it then. But then they surprised me by staying overnight in town and visiting on Sunday as well. So my plans to post on Sunday were thwarted. And then Monday was my scheduled make-up Saturday stream, and it ended up running late till now, 1AM on Tuesday.

And so, this is literally the first chance I've had TO post this since Friday. I apologize for that.

I also apologize for not having much to show this week. I was hoping to get more done, but my early efforts to get this transition animation done revealed to me how difficult this animation was going to be. And I won't lie, it scared me into procrastinating working on it for pretty much the entire week.

I did manage to finish the animation, however. And I think that, all things considered, it came out decently. I am definitely regretting going with arm-pinning, because there's no easy way to cheat with locks - I have to animate the arms on each keyframe by hand, and between Mercy crossing her arms and Sombra's arms being pinned between them... it took a lot longer to make this animation than it otherwise should have.

Thankfully, though, it's done now. The next sequence, of Sombra licking the wall might be... interesting, but I don't think it will be difficult per se. So, hopefully, next week will see much more progress being made.

That being said, I'd be lying if I said I haven't been playing with a handful of side-project ideas, including reworking the Witcher Storyboard I shared some months back into a more focused 5-part story, and a Blue Star prequel video. I think I am going to leave them both on the table for now though, and see if I can't find a less involved project - both in terms of scope (Witcher 5-part story) and in terms of associations with other projects (Blue Star prequel).

So we'll see what shakes out next week.

Until then, everyone! The full WIP video is attached.



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