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Hello, everyone!

In last week's Progress Report I made note that I was sick at the time, and I was hoping to be able to put together a belated Progress Report. Unfortunately, it wasn't until Wednesday that I was feeling well enough to do so. And since I stream on Wednesdays, that means it wasn't until Thursday I was actually free to make a post - and at that point, I decided I might as well wait until Friday's regularly-scheduled progress report.

And hey! Look at that! It's now Friday's regularly-scheduled progress report! I am thankfully fully recovered from my illness (don't gamble against food poisoning, kids - always cook your meat well-done), and as you can see, I've got a triple-whammy of content to share with you today!

The top and bottom elements of this week's preview were actually discussed in last week's Progress Report: the Becca Butt-Slut experiment, and the Nyotengu micro-animation. I'm not going to go into detail about them here, since they are discussed in the aforementioned post.

I will, however, state that tomorrow's Saturday stream is going to be spent working on the Becca Butt-Slut experiment, so if you're interested in watching some of those animations get made (and possibly even the beginning of programming it all), you should totally keep an eye on my Twitter - I'll be posting when the stream is going live, and even if you miss it, you can watch the VOD recording of it at your leisure.

As to the Nyotengu micro-animation, I previously stated that it'd be around 90 seconds. Now that I've gotten the core animations done and roughly timed (and sent off for voice-acting!), I suspect that it will fall closer to 2 minutes. I'm still going to call it a Micro animation though, since it was targeting that 90-second window. No one's ever accused me of having particularly good aim.

My hope is to have the audio by Monday, and then by Wednesday have the project basically ready for release. By design, it is meant to be a very quick turn-around in production. If I hadn't gotten sick right in the middle of my sprint to produce it, it is very possible I could have gotten it made, start to finish, in 2 weeks' time.

If it happens that next Friday comes around and the Nyotengu project isn't ready for release, then I will put out a Misc Bin tier (I just realized I need to update the description and change it to the Screenplay tier...) post with the screenplay for the Nyo project. Just to tide people over while waiting for the release.

All of which finally brings me to the center sequence of this week's Progress Report, DVa After Dark.

If you read the screenplay for Overbreed Episode 1, then you may recall that there is a brief sequence where Mercy is sifting through Sombra's porn drive, and her attention is caught by DVa doing something lewd on camera. The description is vague, and even explicitly says that what exactly it is doesn't matter.

As part of my recovery from my illness, I decided to test the waters with my ability to get back into making lewd content by designing what, exactly, it was that DVa was doing. And this is the result: stream-driven depravity where the chat controls how hard she gets fucked by both a vibe and a sex machine, with a healthy flare of bondage just to tickle the bdsm bone that it is established that Mercy has.

In total, the DVa sequence is the only new content I managed to make this week, since like I said I was sick basically Wednesday to Wednesday. I'm back on the wagon now, though, and hopefully Overbreed Ep1 will be able to launch into earnest production in the days to come. Hopefully next week will have some spicy futa-on-female WIPs to share.

That's all I have for now. Until next week, everyone! 



