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Hey all!

I'm back from vacation. Been back since Monday, actually.

My original plan was to release a new comic and put together this "2021 New Year" content megadump on Monday, and then work on the Rachel/Chaos project and dazzle you guys with some new footage.

Unfortunately, that didn't turn out. The comic ended up needing an extra day, and then two days to build the infrastructure for the comic viewer. And then the content megadump itself ended up consisting of 10 different uploads.

I only just now finished all of it, 20 minutes past Midnight on Friday morning.

I've literally been putting 10-to-12 hours a day for the past 4 days into this release orgy. So, hopefully surprising no one, I haven't had any time to work on Rachel/Chaos.

But now that is all done, I can properly work on it again!

So hopefully next week I will have a new progress report with shiny new animations to share. Until then, you can find the megadump here, and you can read the new comic (and a few legacy comics) by clicking here. The Galleries page isn't currently attached to the main website, but I hope to get that fixed in the next few days! Just need to badger my web dev to add a link to it.

See you all next week! Gosh it's nice to be back and working.



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