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Hey all!

Sorry for being slow on the draw with this update. It's been a busy week, to say nothing of the Samus/PornHub stuff I ended up having to deal with on Thursday. I also spent the front half of the past week dealing with depression and motivation issues, though I've since been able to iron those out.

Liziverse is coming along well! The chances of it being ready for an August 1 release are extremely slim, but I am not going to stress about that. As of now, all of the non-dub audio has been recorded (sans a few retakes that will be recorded alongside the dub audio), and I'd say somewhere around 2/3 of the timing has been blocked out.

As of right now, it's clocking in at just over 4 minutes of runtime. I'm expecting the final count, with editing and everything included, to sit somewhere between 6 and 8 minutes - so let's split down the middle and say 7.

Not bad for a screenplay that I wrote in a single evening and has literally half the shots of the past few projects, I'd say!

My goal for this week is to get everything the last of it all blocked out, and have the dubbing sequences sent off to Innie. With any luck, I will have all of the dub audio back and starting to be installed by next Thursday, and I will be able to begin processing the next stage of animating. And maybe finally finish the male outfit - as you can see, it has some clipping issues, and that's not the end of its problems.

Also, fun fact: that male outfit was actually made for Phazon Experiment B. At least something came out of the headache that was trying to preproduce-and-produce-PEB-at-the-same time - got a fitting outfit from the effort!

That's all for now! As always, I will keep you all posted as things progress.




Hey Guy, Take your time. I am a firm believer in quality over quantity. Elizabeth is one of my all time favorite fictional characters.