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Hello, everyone!

Running a wee bit late with this progress report, since I ended up spending a few hours last night putting together the final piece of a weeks-long project I've been quietly working on, and it was a real moment of truth. I was beyond excited to see all my theorizing and meticulous building paid off, though, and then promptly passed out.

On the Liziverse front, everything is roughly where I planned things to be. I've gotten the narrative sequence all roughly blocked out - the scenebuild isn't final (missing decor like plants, desk doodads, and windows), and there's no animation or audio installed yet.

Similarly, I've gotten all of the lap-dance animation done as well, and have about 90% of the strip-club sequence animated as a whole. All that I need to do on the animation front there before sending it out for dubbing are the few transition animations:  groping her ass, blowie pull-off, and money shot.

Outside of the animation front, Innie has been chewing away at audio. She's gotten me all of the audio for the narrative sequence shown here, though I haven't taken the time to process it yet. I don't think Innie does as convincing a BAS Liz as Silky did in No Gods, No Kings, but I don't think that will detract from the overall project in any way - BAS Liz is a relatively minor character in the episode, and I think maintaining the gimmick of "every single character is voiced by Innie" is more than a fair tradeoff.

As the kids say, "it's all about that experimentation". Or "all about that bass". I can never remember which it is.

Hopefully Innie will be able to get me the internal-monologue audio for the club sequence soon, so that I can finish off those few animations and then install the monologue audio as a sort of measuring stick of how long the club sequences need to be. Once that audio is installed, those few animations are made, and the shots are timed out, then we'll be ready to enter dubbing!

I don't know if this project will be ready for an August 1 release. But as I alluded to in the Take 2 schedule-change post, I am not going to stress myself over it. If August 1 comes and goes, then August 1 comes and goes. Getting this project done to my satisfaction, without rushing things, I think is to everyone's benefit.

Hopefully next week will see all non-dub audio installed, and see the narrative animation start to block out. I won't lie when I say I'm not really sure how much work will get done in the next week. It's a bit fuzzy right now, and largely relies on Innie's schedule stabilizing on her - it's been shifting around a lot these past few weeks, with Covid and everything, and she hasn't been able to find a reliable schedule to record on. It's been very day-by-day.

Beyond that, I'm still feeling restless in the model-creation department. If the new DOAFantasy project reveal I linked at the top didn't already suggest as much. And I am building assets together for a new Saturday streams mini-project, to balance against the fact our Harley video has entered a rather dull stage of production now. 

So we'll have to see what next Thursday brings us. Whatever it is, though, we'll discover it together!

Until next week, everyone!




Thanks for the update!