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Sorry for being a bit late on this! This was meant to be posted on the 24th, but the back half of last week was pretty rough for me and it totally slipped my mind. I apologize for that.

Everything is back on track now though! I managed to hit most of the goals I had laid out for the 24th. Big exception is that I didn't get the audio off to my sound designer yet, as I am waiting on one last piece of audio.

Silky did indeed manage to deliver her audio though, and as always, her performance is simply fantastic! She tried an approach for dubbing this that we haven't done in our history working together yet, and we were both very impressed with the final result. There were virtually zero synchronization issues, which meant very little work on my end getting the audio ready for installation. The approach was relatively easy on her as well, and didn't require her to do much additional studying, take many takes, or do much post-processing.

So, in the end it just worked out fantastically for the both of us! You can see how cleanly her audio came together in the post image! Only two tracks, and barely any swapping between them, means that the blending was minimal. That is an ideal state, and to give you some perspective, the Witcher short from ages yore had blends less than every half second for certain parts.

Beyond that, I managed to get all of the lip-sync done by the 22nd (a bit later than the goal of the 21st, but seeing as I wasn't optimistic about getting it all in by then anyways, I'll take it!)

My Shopkeep voice talent had some unexpected delays pop up in getting his audio to me, with the California wildfires causing power outages in his area, but the worst seems to be past for him now. He's hoping to get me his audio tomorrow, which works out perfectly.

Expect the progress report on the 31st to have a final runtime for the short, the announcement that the video is in the sound design stage, and that the animation is on a fast-track to being rendered - if it isn't already being rendered, that is!

Maybe a name, finally, too...



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