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  • 2019-10-23_14-19-17.mp4



Didn't get much practice done these past few days. Been in a bit of a downer mood for most of the week, with anxieties regarding current and future projects mounting up. Thankfully I managed to get out of that mood today, but that doesn't change the fact I only have this one video for today's dump.

Premise of this piece was an Aperture that didn't focus (solely) on Portal technology, but also sexual enhancers. Naturally, they need test subjects to gauge the effectiveness of their products. In this trial, Chell's managed to bring 18 subjects to orgasm in a single non-stop session, with no signs of slowing down. Her general enthusiasm is lower than previous tests however, and so they'll need to try again tomorrow.

Can download the high-quality version of this screen recording as an attachment. I think it's fairly evident why I didn't go much farther with this idea, though. Between the hands refusing to cooperate, and just the general jankiness of how the DazV4 ass deforms, I lost the energy to resume work on it.

Gosh I can't wait to lock DazV5 down and begin building characters on it. DazV4 was great and it made great strides on a technical level, but it still has a lot of shortcomings. DazV5 isn't perfect, but - as with every iteration before it - it's better than what I have right now.


2019-10-23 14-19-17

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