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Hello again, everyone!

So far, everything is not only on schedule - but actually slightly ahead of schedule!

As I was hoping, I managed to get all of the dub audio back and installed. Everything's fit perfectly into place. Silky's performance is, as always, spectacular and of the highest quality we've come to expect of her; and Checkov has managed to squash his recording consistency problems, so his audio quality matches his beautiful method-acting performance as well.

I have put together a final rough cut of the video, and sent it all off to my sound designer. Hopefully he will have it all ready in a week or two, which perfectly coincides with my aspirations for a July 20 release.

The final runtime for the SFM footage is 8:52. To put that into perspective, that is exactly one minute shorter than my longest non-Blue Star video to date (Miranda Versus the Galaxy); almost 90 seconds longer than the latest video release (Phazon Experiment B); and 10 seconds short of exactly twice the run-time of Rabbit.Hole Episode 1.

As you all probably know, I had aspirations to release the video on June 30. And as you all probably know, that didn't happen. Amusingly, this video is more or less in the exact same spot that Miranda VTG was at the end of its scheduled production month (not surprising, given how they're both nearly 10 minutes...). The major difference is I abandoned working on VTG to get it done as soon as possible, whereas I am committed to getting R.HE2 done properly.

With the blocking done and sound-design cut sent off to be worked on, there are only two major processes left to be done: lip-syncing and final animation. Each can be further broken down into non-sex and sex animation.

Today, I started (and finished(!!)) the non-sex lip-sync. I am frankly blown away that I got it all done in one day. That's the power of not sleeping away half the day, I guess. Tomorrow I am hoping to get at least all of D.Va's sex lip-sync done (which is basically just all of the pre-blowjob sex scenes, since she kinda can't talk much while she's sucking dick...), before the rest of the day gets shot by the Friday chores. Saturday is stream day as always, and then by Sunday evening I am hoping to have all of the lip-sync done.

When Monday comes around, it would be the 8th. That gives me 12 days, or just under exactly 2 weeks, to get the narrative animations and sex details worked out. Unless things go horrifically wrong, I think I will be able to get everything done comfortably within that time-frame.

All of that being said, here is this week's WIP. It's kinda useless as a gfycat, since it's a sound showcase, so here is the video with audio. Note that the audio might be a frame or two off - the video recordings were way off, and I had to correct the synchronization by hand. I had to move the audio 13 frames forward in Premiere, but that was matching by eye.

Hopefully by this time next week, I will be able to show off the same exact sequence, but with finalized narrative and emotive animation on everything. Then we can get a clear before-and-after as to the difference that polish makes!

Until next week, everyone!


2019-07-04 23-06-52

Watch 2019-07-04 23-06-52 GIF on Gfycat. Discover more related GIFs on Gfycat


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