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EDIT (August 27, 2018): Moved to Patreon-only to appease Tumblr administration.

After entirely too long in production, the BSE3 sex scene is finally ready for a dubbing pass.

Or, rather, it will be after I do a shit-quality render of the whole thing and cut it up into segments for my wonderful voice talent to apply their magic to.

The above is a screenshot of the render window for Act 1 of the sex scene, which is only 32% of the total of sex-scene runtime. With no lighting and no progressive refinement (meaning that Depth of Field / Motion Blur samples are 1/1; I normally render out at 128 /. 32, meaning that each frame is only getting 1 pass where normally each frame gets 128 passes), it’s still taking over an hour to render it.

I expect it to take about 3 hours in total to render everything out.

But once it’s all rendered! It will be ready for dubbing...

...Which won’t take place until May.

Instead, Innie and I will be focusing our energies on getting the Elizabeth video done, for the last 12 days of the month. It’s way overdue, and we both just want to get it out there for all you fine ladies and gentlemen to enjoy.

Oh, and you know how I said this is only 32% of the total sex-scene runtime? Here’s some more concrete numbers. As of right now, the sex scene is clocking in at 19:15 minutes, with the total episode runtime currently at 24:25 minutes.

Those times aren’t final, but with the final editing, credits, series recap, and what not, I expect the final video to be in the 25 to 27 minute range.

For some additional fun facts, the nonsex:sex ratio of the episode is currently 1:4.72, meaning that for every 1 minute of action / dialogue / exposition, there’s almost 5 minutes of sex.

Considering that I shoot for a minimum 1:1 ratio (and the Tina short, Miscellaneous Expenses, clocked in at an absymal 1:0.5), that is an absolutely absurd ratio.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to beat it. Especially since this is all just one single contiguous sex-scene.

I’m super excited to finally be at this stage. I hope you all are as excited as I am about this pivotal moment in production.



Damn Quixote

Congrats on reaching the next milestone! I've done (non-porn) work similar to this in the past so I know what an undertaking it is. Especially if you're working solo.

Ariel Fetters

YES! Looking forward to seeing the finished movie :) And amazed by the amount of work this all must take. I look at the screenshots of your workflow and can only just kinda sit here scratching my head going 'Wtf is that?' lol


Her curves in that preview pic. Awesome. And that view up to him. Ah thats a must during a bj. :)