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I figured, given the recent concerns regarding the fate of Blue Star Episode 3, I should post some WIP efforts, showing that the project is still alive and well.

This is a scene I put together earlier today. It is the interim animation between Liara swallowing the Shadowbroker’s (second) load, and him blowing his next (third) load on her face.

You’ll notice in the Gfycat version that there is a stutter between gifs 2 and 3 here - those are because there is dialogue in between those two. I don’t have the audio for that yet, and so it’s just a placeholder.

Similarly, the stroking animation has Liara’s head and face unanimated, because she will be speaking as she jerks him off. Again, I don’t have the audio, and so there’s no point in me detailing her now, when all of that detailing will be redone to fit the audio cues anyways.

I hope this will help put to rest peoples’ concerns about the project being canned. It is very much alive still, and with about 30 minutes’ worth of animation done now, you can rest easy knowing I damn well have every intention of releasing this bugger.

But, as a once-great man said before his fall from grace:

These things, they take time.


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Buddy Love

They of little faith!! Never doubted you for a second. Love your work dude, err excuse me... my Lord I mean. :)))


It's nice to see the occasional WIP, so long as it doesn't detract from the work. So long as we get posts so that we know you're still alive and well. Not I object to an occasional Liara pic.


Hey love the work