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I'm too giddy with how well this photoset came out, that I can't wait till tomorrow to tease it.

I currently have 8 of the 10 poses rendered. The other 2 were made be a friend, and they're done, but I need to go through and do some touch-ups before they're ready for rendering.

In total, the photoset is 10 x 3: 10 unique poses, and each pose has 3 variants: fully-clothed, exposed, and nude. 9 of the images are solo poses like this, while the 10th...

I will try my best to post the photoset tomorrow. It will posted under the $3 reward. I don't really have a tier for photosets, since I don't normally do them. So I guess $3 is as good as any.

The public will get this photoset, on Tumblr, whenever DVa is released. As I outlined in the previous post, that'll either be when the DVa video is released, or the DVa video is scrapped. I can't give ETAs on either.

While I want to get this posted tomorrow, I might have things coming up tomorrow, though. My grandfather said something about doing something the day after Christmas (which would be tomorrow). My grandmother also said something about doing something shortly after Christmas. AAAAAAND one of my friends said something about doing something shortly after Christmas.

Long and short of it is I don't know how much time I'll have to prep these photosets.




Can this be made available to the $2 tier?


I have changed it to the $2 tier. I'm impressed you actually sifted through 2 years of stuff to find it. https://www.patreon.com/posts/16072531


Huge fan of your D.Va work my friend.


Looking forward to it. Cannot wait. I'd really like to see some shorts with her. Obviously unrelated to the rabbit hole story. Thanks for taking the time to add those pictures for me I appreciate it.


Holy shit that "Twitter eyes emoji" picture is big.


Well, fortunately for me it is so intreant that it does not tease me in the least^^ nothing can ignite me(I claim full vanity and self-confidence ;P )


I am of the opinion that photos donate to a donation no matter which price level one donates. I have a general difference to this sifting whether you donated a lot or a little. some do not have the money to donate 5-10 or more each month, and because the amount is even higher, the more money is spent in susat calculation, and if you try to cut it down, your arms will still look. Do not want to say that you now too much ask for but since you just started it, I just wanted to eriner that you should consider the big in such a consideration, there are poor donors, there are donors who merh have an artist and I think that's what I think the patreon cuts a piece of the cake for himself at least one donates. not too easy ^^ now from fun in the holidays and arrive healthy and happy in the new year


a big mark is GOOD (slightly mad sounding laugh) but that one should not blow up the frame ... or maybe .. I think so now or so understand; P


I've never played overwatch. To me it look like TF2 with more micro transactions and no free version. But the fem chars are hot and D .Va is my fave. looking forward to it