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LordAardvark is posting a picture of DVa? But why? He's so vocally outspo-


So, I haven't exactly been subtle in hiding my distaste of how Overwatch has basically flooded the ero scene. In fact, I bet it wouldn't take much effort to dig up a quote of me saying that I'd never do any Overwatch ever.

Regardless of if anyone can catch me saying that, it's a sentiment I've shared a long time.

And for that, I'm going to eat crow.

This sentiment has been relaxed over the past few months, changing to a "if I come across an interesting enough idea for Overwatch characters, then I'll put them together and see where it goes from there."

And, well, I have since had an idea come to mind for DVa. It's not a groundbreaking narrative by any means, but it's an idea that practically had me fall out of my seat, I was giggling so hard when the idea first hit me.

I want to make this clear now: I am not guaranteeing a DVa project will be made!

It's something I'd like to do, but I also want to do it outside of my Long/Short schedule, which is actually already booked for all of 2018, with feelers placed for assistance and/or voicing for the next 6 shorts, and dates agreed upon. Meaning I can't move my schedule around without breaking those promises, which I'd rather not do.

And so that leaves that vacuous space of "side projects" - early mornings and late evenings, when I'm getting the procrastination out of my system or I'm too tired from a day of work to continue onward, respectively.

With that being said, IF I manage to get the project off the ground, then it will be an experiment in a different directorial style. Without giving away too many details, I have noticed a tendency in some Eastern European works of simple long-shots: a single position being recorded all in a single session for minutes at a time, with only things like speed, depth, and hand/feet positioning changing.

I personally consider this style of directing to be "indulgent filming," where the viewer can just take the time to pleasure themselves while watching the shot. Compare that style to Western directorial styles, which I usually use, with shots changing every 5 or so seconds, and individual positions lasting barely a minute. It's pretty breakneck in comparison to that indulgent style.

And now for a fun fact: this build was actually more a less a gimme, for two reasons: Back in July, I hacked together a Curvy DVa for a shitpost that was never finished, and that included a full-texture treatment and full faceposing. Combine that with the fact that a few months ago, I fitted DVa's outfit to Rebecca, because that big booty in skintight suits is just too much to resist...

Well, I consider Rebecca's body to actually be really close to DVa's canon shape. Amazingly, Rebecca's big butt and wide hips isn't even much of an exaggeration from DVa's official game model. And Rebecca is 5'3, which is about DVa's height, so that was a freebie, too.

And so, I spent a few hours today combining the fully-faceposed head mesh from Curvy DVa to Rebecca's body - the faceposing, the outfit, the body textures, and all of the technical DazV4 jargon, all came for free.

An interesting side-effect of being built exactly on Rebecca's body is that DVa can wear any of Rebecca's outfits natively, such as her stripper oufit...

Or even her casual leather outfit:

A story of DVa celebrating a StarCraft tourney win by partying hard? And then invariably getting fucked silly by an uncharacteristically swol diehard fan in the public restroom?

An exciting idea. But not the idea I'm working toward.

I'll keep you all updated on the status of this particular project. But remember that I do not promise the project will be made.

If the project does go through, then the DVa model will release alongside the video. If not, then once I officially declare the project dead, I'll just release DVa as she is now.

That's all for now. Merry Christmas, and happy holidays, everyone!




i dont care for the overwatch characters and always panned the characters made for sfm..but as always whatever a creator comes up with i always support the effort..i never tire of ME characters, but understand that variety is what most want..well that said..have a Merry Christmas! and remain a devoted patreon!