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I dunno why everyone hates this episode its very well written and remains entertaining throughout, its also just funny watching everyone throw each other under the bus, the tenseness of how its shot also like an actual televised enquirey gives it a sort of atmosphere that one could just plainly describe as "tense" I know I used it twice but I am bad at finding different terms for description.

Andy Luke

I've become a bit of a fan of government inquiries lately, even setting up my own very boring podcast to report on their findings. The Goolding Inquiry is quite faithful to those. The episode came out the same year as the high profile Leveson Inquiry, you may recall, an inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the press. At Leveson, Piers Morgan was asked questions about hacking phones, and many celebrities - notably Hugh Grant - gave evidece on their phones being hacked for stories to appear in newspapers. There was also Murdoch's News International staff hacking the phone of the murdered schoolgirl, Millie Dowler. The findings should have dealt a serious blow to the British press but were by and large ignored in law. The inquiry was must-see teevee, entertaining for seeing all these untouchable politicians and editors squirming, It was the hearing Rupert Murdoch got custard pied. I can't help but think of it when I watch this.


Terri is one of the best comedy characters of all time.