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This is where the show just gets pretty crappy tbh. Soon as American writers took over… this season and the new are trash and are the worst rated episodes


I don't disagree with you but Charlie Brooker wrote all episodes of season 5 and 6 too.

James Brown

The Tetris game is actually a real game called Tetris Effect! The soundtrack for it is incredible too and it’s so much fun with PSVR 😎


Only just watched this but I thought this was a beautiful episode. Maybe it made some of the guys uncomfortable, but I thought it was beautiful. I can't remember who riffed about how great it'd be to fuck your best friend, some stand up or other, but this does a funny, sad job of showing that. I could imagine as a straight guy - maybe? - wanting to have sex with the female avatar, but I couldn't imagine as a straight guy wanting to have sex with a male avatar as a female avatar. But I guess they address that towards the end when they don't feel anything after the IRL kiss. So it's clearly just a game-specific phenomenon. IMO the ending would've been much better if it'd ended with them separated and swearing off meeting each other. The happy ending bit felt like a rug pull. It was a melancholy episode and deserved a melancholy ending for me.


Some very Charlie Brooker choices of game in this episode. Tetris Effect is really good, as others have mentioned. A real arthouse game. I was imagining him playing Tetris after his shagging encounters and suddenly seeing it completely differently: as a game about dicks falling from the sky, filling holes, and then exploding in a shower of points and dropping the pile of dicks down a few lines... Long thin dicks that score you the most points when they fill a hole properly, dicks with a right-angled crook at the end, dicks with a knobbly lump in the middle, weird chode-y dicks shaped like squares, all falling from the sky faster and faster until the screen fills up with them. What a filthy game Tetris is.