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As you've probably gathered the guys are no longer at the zoo, so the show really has the ability to go anywhere from here on out. You might wonder if they ever mention the zoo again and why they don't work there anymore, but I don't think it ever comes up. You could even almost imagine it as each season being set in a different dimension, as I'm pretty sure there are absolutely no links or references made between seasons, they just exist in a vacuum. Steve Coogan is an exec producer of the show, I believe because he created/owns Baby Cow Productions.

Austin Stratton

One thing I will say is not to expect anything to make sense 🤣 Like you were wondering what the odds were of Bollo knowing the Gorilla on the wall 🤣 Nothing follows logic in this show so don't expect anything to make sense, and if you think something is impossible, it'll probably happen at least three or four times in the episode 🤣😂 Also yeah, they aren't at the zoo anymore, it was good that nobody spoiled that before the start of this season.. They now run a shop owned by Naboo called 'Nabootique'.. There are some new characters in this season, played by people I think you will be pretty happy to see! And Bob Fossil from the zoo was the Mountain Man, yeah, and is absolutely a staple in the rest of the show as you'll see! Roll on season 2!


LOL I see what you mean this show is random so nothing really makes sense, but it is still fun. Oh ok thanks for the info bud =]

Kieran B

Love the T-shirt Josh, the Green Ranger was always my favourite


Howard Moon is one of the best comedy characters of all time, even better than Terri from 'The Thick of It'.