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On Making The Town, Blue Meanie talked about his wish to travel back in time and experience the Dallas Sportatorium. 

Which got us thinking. If time travel were really a thing - what event, arena or match would you go back to? Drop it in the comments below!



WWF Wrestlemania 17 at the Astrodome ECW Born to Be Wired or Barely Legal at the ECW Arena CZW Cage of Death 5 at the ECW Arena Those are the one's that came to mind immediately after reading this, so no real thought put into it other than I really enjoyed those shows enough for them to jump out at me so quickly.


Same boat as Meanie there. I didn't move til Dallas til 1996 and the Sportatorium was still there running small shows and I never made it out there to a show before they tore it down. Definitely a regret.